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Parish Registration

Welcome to Sacred Heart Parish, we are happy to have you as part of our parish family.

Please provide the information requested below. We commit to you that your personal information will only be used by the parish for communication purposes, and that we will not disclose your information to any other person or misuse your contact details.


Please complete the online form below, OR click the button to download a printable PDF form that can be dropped off through the mail slot at the church's rectory door (off Washington Street), or given to Father at Mass.


Online Parish Registration

Please complete the form below and click submit when you are done. Your electronic registration will be delivered to the email inbox of our parish office. Thank you for sharing your information with our parish.

Parish Registraton
Parish Registration

Mailing Information

Would you like to receive envelopes?

Household Information

Please share with us how many additional adults are in your household.

Using one line per person, please enter their full name, relationship to you, and their religion. Thank you! 

lf you are married but not in the Catholic Church and would like to have your marriage blessed by the Church, or if you are living common law and would like to be married, please speak with Father.

Please share with us some information about any children living in or with your household. How many children, and what is their sacramental history.

Using one line per person, please enter their full name, relationship to you, the school they attend, and their highest completed sacrament: Baptised, Baptised Catholic, First Communion, Confirmation. 

As a means of ensuring that our family Parish is active, vibrant, and all encompassing, we invite you to participate by completing this member survey. Our objective is to ensure that we have accurate and complete contact information and to understand your areas of interest. This will help to enrich your parish experience and benefit our congregation as a whole.

Service: Please check all items that interest you:
I regulary attend mass at
Community: Please check all items that interest you:

Thanks for registering. We'll be in touch!

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